11272 search results for "ma"

News Briefs

Bible School at First Congregational First Congregational Church, 230 Beach Street, is hosting Vacation Bible School for children and adults during the evenings, Monday-Friday through July 16.  All are invited, even if you are joining part way through the week. There will…

Letters to the Editor

Endangered Species Dear Editor, What if elephants, whales, or other animals were killed at the rate of 972/day, would the Media consider them endangered? How about those ASPCA ads on TV showing neglected and abused puppies trembling with big sad…

Obituaries 07-15-2021

Francesco ‘Frank’ Diano Well-known youth hockey coach Francesco “Frank” Diano of Revere, formerly of East Boston, passed away on July 9. Frank was an active member of the Salesian Boys and Girls Club. He was also active in coaching youth…

News Briefs

Seven-Alarm Fire in Revere Likely Accidental Revere Fire Chief Christopher Bright and State Fire Marshal Peter J. Ostroskey said that the cause of last week’s seven-alarm fire on Hyde Street was likely accidental. “We are extremely fortunate that no residents…