10960 search results for "ge"

Obituaries 07-06-2022

Elisabeth “Betty” Hemminger 1927-2022 Elisabeth ‘Betty’ U. Hemminger, a longtime Nahant resident, passed on peacefully in the compassionate care of the nurses and staff of Jesmond Nursing Care in Nahant. Born in Esslingen, Germany, Elisabeth arrived in the U.S. in…

News Briefs

RBC Seeks Beautifully Landscaped Homes and Biz. At long last, spring is here and the pandemic is over!  What better way to celebrate than to beautify your property? The Revere Beautification Committee (RBC), in continuing its mission of “working to…

Cut 21 | A Food Review

By Victoria Fabbo If you’re looking for a night out in the town without actually going into town take a trip to Cut 21.. The aesthetics of the interior design is modern, plush, and opulent.  It even ties to another…

Letters to the Editor

On the Council Meeting “Dear Editor, My wife and I bought a house in Revere in 2003. Since then, we’ve raised our two daughters, have been very involved in our community and have become very proud Revere residents. We love…