Month: January 2023
Vertuccio and Vazza Funeral Homes Announce Merger
Special to the Journal The following announcement comes from Vertuccio Smith and Vazza Beechwood Home for Funerals. “To all our families, friends, and residents of Revere, East Boston, and surrounding areas of the North Shore, We would like to announce…
Affordable Housing Trust Fund Board Meets
The City of Revere’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund Board (AHTFB) held its regular monthly meeting last Wednesday evening (January 11) in the Revere City Council Chambers. Chairman Joe Gravellese and fellow members Anayo Osueke, Laila Pietri, Deborah Frank, and Jan…
Councillors Look To Open Better Communication With Mayor
By Adam Swift Some City Councillors want to see better communication between the council and the mayor’s office. For his part, Mayor Brian Arrigo said he has an open door policy, and councilors are free to contact him whenever they…
News Briefs
Agencies Announce New Round of High School Financial Education Fair Funding The State Treasurer’s Office of Economic Empowerment (OEE), in partnership with the Massachusetts Division of Banks (DOB) and the Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation (OCABR), announced additional…
Potential Amazon Drone Deliveries
By Adam Swift With Revere serving as a hub of Amazon activity in the northeast, Ward 6 Councillor Richard Serino wants to make sure the city is prepared if the online retail giant begins making drone deliveries in the region.…
EBNHC Opens Applications for Nurse Practitioner Residency Training Program
East Boston Neighborhood Health Center (EBNHC) is pleased to announce it is accepting applications for its third cohort of residents to join its Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Residency Program. This residency program aims to expand the pool of primary care…
RFD, Chief Bright Welcome Two New Fire Trucks, High Water Rescue Vehicle
Reaffirming his strong commitment to public safety, Mayor Brian Arrigo joined leaders of the Revere Fire Department in unveiling two brand new state-of-the-art fire trucks and a high-water rescue vehicle Tuesday. Fire Chief Christopher Bright, Assistant Chief James Cullen, and…
Disabilities Commission Holds Monthly Meeting
The Revere Commission on Disabilities held its regular monthly meeting last Tuesday evening (January 10) via Zoom. A new feature of the meeting was that it was closed-captioned. Chairman Ralph DeCicco, vice-chair Pauline Perno, and fellow commissioners Mario Grimanis, Robert…
MAPC Awarded Grant To Combat Youth Violence for 17th Consecutive Year
The former Baker-Polito Administration awarded the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) $757,147.86 through the Senator Charles E. Shannon, Jr. Community Safety Initiative (CSI) Grant Program for the Metro Mayors CSI. A subset of the Metro Mayors Coalition, the Metro Mayors…
Chelsea City Council Honors Outgoing City Manager Tom Ambrosino
By Adam Swift Outgoing City Manager Thomas Ambrosino took part in his last City Council meeting as head of the municipal government Monday night. Council President Leo Robinson and all the members of the council introduced a resolution thanking Ambrosino…
Local Students Take Part In State-Wide Youth Service Program
By Adam Swift Eighth-grade service Ambassadors representing every city and town in Massachusetts kicked-off their year of youth-led service with Project 351 Saturday, joined by Governor Maura Healey. The event included Ambassadors from Revere, Chelsea, and Winthrop. Project 351, a…
So Far, We’ve Dodged the Energy Bullet
The winter season can be viewed in two ways. Meteorological winter is considered to be the three months of December, January, and February. Astronomical winter runs from December 22, the date of the winter solstice, to March 21, the date…
The Husband Always Is the Prime Suspect
The disappearance of a Cohasset mother of three who has been missing since January 1, once again has highlighted the tragic, but undeniable, reality that a woman in the United States is more likely to be killed by an intimate…
Letter to the Editor
Regarding Warming Center Dear Editor, Is Mark Sylvestri’s plan likely to pass? Wondering if you’ve ever heard of “the Cobra effect”? Basically it’s a tale of perverse incentive. In India under the British there were too many cobras on the…
RHS Sports Roundup
Yuong Takes First at NE Invitational; Leaps to New RHS Mark Revere High girls track and field sensation, sophomore Liv Yuong, continued her outstanding 2023 indoor track season this past weekend. Competing at the MSTCA Invitational, which brought together athletes…
Obituaries 01-18-2023
Ruth Morris Of Revere Ruth Morris of Revere passed away at Portsmouth Hospital on November 25. She was the wife of the late Morris Morris and mother of her deceased son, Barry Morris, Susan Bires and Janet Vignault; grandmother of…
Rizzo Becomes Something With State School Board
Keefe Takes Gavel As City Council President for 2023
By Adam Swift Ward 4 City Councillor Patrick Keefe was the unanimous pick to serve as the council’s president for 2023 at Monday night’s meeting. Keefe, who last headed the council in 2020, takes over for outgoing president Gerry Visconti.…
It’s Official: Former RHS Star Gena Restiano Begins Her College Basketball Officiating Career
Fifteen minutes before game time Saturday, Gena Restiano took her spot in the Gordon College gymnasium in Wenham. Attired in the classy, new women’s college basketball refereeing uniform, Restiano was set to officiate the fourth game in her burgeoning new…