Category: Editorials

Remembering Jim Kimmerle

It was not so long ago that Jim Kimmerle was walking among us, enjoying his life, serving as a councilor and really coming into himself – and then he got sick. The sickness robbed him of his health, his good…

The MCAS Scores Stand

Allegations have been dismissed that Revere’s MCAS test scores are the result of fudging the scores rather than being a true measure of what children are achieving here. We agree with the School Department analysis debunking the Atlanta Journal Constitution…

Casino Effort Turns Ugly in Foxboro

Before the state’s Gambling Commission gets down to the business of awarding a license to an applicant in either East Boston/Revere or Foxboro, they will have to ask themselves collectively this question: which area is more suited to a casino…

Easter 2012

Easter in Revere remains as perhaps the most significant Christian holiday and commemoration on the calendar. It is, of course, the day Jesus was resurrected from the dead after dying on the cross on the hill called Golgotha. He gave…

Passover 2012

Revere’s Jewish residents will also visit their respective synagogues and celebrate the onset of Passover on Friday evening. The traditional seder dinner will follow. The Passover for Jews is about their deliverance from slavery in Egypt, although it led to…

The First One Hundreds Days

Ever since the day President Franklin Roosevelt came to power, the measure of success for a political administration has always been assessed at the 100-day milestone. Roosevelt, of course, took over the presidency at a black time in our national…

The Weather

We are a major league beach city and as such, there is special amazement at spring/summer like weather being experienced for days at a time in mid-march. This year’s stretch of warmth is lulling us into a sense of unreality…

Police Details Welcome

We have heard many comments from a wide variety of businesspeople and Broadway shoppers of feeling much safer and at ease in the downtown since Chief Joe Cafarelli ordered police officers to walk a beat in the downtown. It is…

Setting the Right Example

Since the day he was appointed chief of police by Mayor Dan Rizzo about one month ago, the biggest challenge facing Joseph Cafarelli is changing the culture of the Revere Police Department. Change is difficult for all of us to…

Thank You, Chief Cafarelli

Captains in the Revere Police Department have all returned their automobiles as requested by Police Chief Joseph Cafarelli. Not enough can be said about this first instance of creating a new department persona based on professionalism and what is right…

Billboard Owners Need to Pay

There is a reason so many businesspeople like putting up billboards in Revere near to major highways or highly commercial areas. Billboards generate enormous amounts in rental income forever once they are put up. Putting them up is all about…

Mayor Setting the Example

Mayor Dan Rizzo is setting a new precedent by refusing the city car institutionalized as their own for as far back as we can recall. Mayor Rizzo has returned his car to the city. He has told officials that he…

Police Chief Following Suit

Chief Joseph Cafarelli has said he is adamant about reshaping the persona of the Revere Police Department. Since taking over two weeks ago he has made a flurry of command changes and new assignments. However, ordering his captains to return…