Category: Editorials

The Gun Crisis

The recent increase in mass shooting incidents across the country comes as no surprise to anyone with an ounce of common-sense. The ease of purchase, and relatively low-cost, of assault-style weapons, particularly AR-15 semi-automatics with large-capacity magazines, makes it possible…

Letter to the Editor

Excited for the Future Dear Editor, It’s exciting to see that within a matter of a few years, we went from talking about staking the future of Revere’s commercial tax base on gambling, to Revere being home to jobs in…

Letter to the Editor

Memories of Revere Beach Dear Editor: Her porcelain face and pink stained cheeks a fixture on my dresser—Betty. Her spidery dark lashes awning her blue glass eyes one stuck, half shut. Her new gown is lovely. Mom’s friend made it,…

Letter to the Editor

On Anti-Semitism Dear Editor: Antisemitism is in our midst. From May 1948 when Israel became a Nation, forces have tried to destroy her economically, and politically. Events reported by the media are misleading, discrediting Israel and supporting Palestinians. No one…

We Deserve This Great Weather

With Massachusetts entering the reopening phase after 14 months of lockdowns, the arrival of the magnificent weather this week could not have been better-timed. All of us have had to make sacrifices to varying degrees during the pandemic. Many of…

Letter to the Editor

It Takes a Village Dear Editor, When I first became a Councillor I figured that I could achieve everything myself. Over the last six years, I have learned that it takes a village. I want to thank Senator Joe Boncore,…

Get That Shot!

The idea of “vaccine hesitancy” is a relatively new phenomenon in our country. For those of the Baby Boom generation, there never was any question about getting shots for all kinds of childhood and adult communicable diseases. Vaccines, along with antibiotics,…

The Biden Deal Is Long Overdue

The ambitious proposal set forth by President Joe Biden last week in his speech to a joint session of Congress has elicited the usual negative response from the usual suspects. However, those who oppose Biden’s $2 trillion plan to invest in America…

Letters to the Editor

On the Chauvin Verdict Dear Editor, The trial and conviction of Derek Chauvin in Minnesota demonstrated that police officers are held to the same standards of justice as all other citizens – as they should be. The horrific facts of…

At Last, Spring Has Sprung

Spring officially may have arrived on March 21, but the past month has been anything but spring-like. For those of us who live along the Massachusetts coastline, this is nothing new of course. The prevailing, on-shore sea breezes at this time…

Letter to the Editor

Unheeded Truth Dear Editor:  is it narrow minded or bigoted when: One must take a certain plane flight to get from point A to point B?  Traffic on highways requires drivers on the right to flow in the same direction?…