By Adam Swift
The public comment period is now open for the anticipated $1 million in Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) the city is expected to receive in the fall.
Last week, the Planning and Community Development department held a second public hearing on the anticipated use of the CDBG funds and the submission of the city’s program year 2024 action plan.
“In 2023, HUD’s (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) entitlement to the city of Revere was $658,597,” said Danielle Osterman, the community development program manager. “Funding for the upcoming cycle, which runs from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025 has not yet been determined by Congress. However, we anticipate having roughly $1 million available for projects.”
This figure includes the annual federal entitlement, repayments from the program’s business loan program, and previous unspent funds.
A statutory requirement of the CDBG is that at least 70 percent of the funded projects benefits are to low and moderate income residents. Eligible projects must fall into a block group or census track with at least 51 percent of the residents having low to moderate incomes, according to Osterman.
“The city’s priorities for funding continue to reflect priorities outlined in its five-year consolidation plan,” said Osterman.
Those priorities include economic development, with an estimated $200,000 for business technical assistance to continue the city’s business loan program.
The city is also looking to use up to $800,000 for physical development, such as park improvements, Complete Street projects, and green infrastructure improvements.
In addition, Osterman noted that up to 15 percent of the annual grant allocation can be used for public services. The city received proposals for the public services in March, with a focus on housing stability for homeowners and renters, as well as childcare services.
Lastly, planning and overall administration is restricted to 20 percent of the overall grant.
The 30 day public comment period for the plan will run through May 2 at 4 p.m. The plan can be found online at, and comments can be made online or through the community development department at city hall.
“We plan to submit our full annual action plan to HUD in mid-May, and expect funding to be authorized by HUD in mid- to late-September of this year,” said Osterman.
Anyone with questions about the CDBG action plan can contact Osterman at [email protected].