Ward 4 Councillor Patrick Keefe credited Water and Sewer Department Superintendent Don Ciaramella and his department for their immediate response in seeking to identify and helping to correct numerous water displacements and natural springs running off of Vane Street onto subsequent hills in the neighborhood.
Keefe made a motion at Monday’s Council meeting that the city engineer and water/sewer superintendent investigate the matter.
Keefe told the Council that due to the rainy weather in the fall season there has been freezing runoffs (ice) that is posing a hazard to the neighborhood, “specifically the hills connected to Vane Street.â€
Keefe said there have been 4-to-6-foot wide sheets of ice are sliding down the hills.
Ciaramella said he spoke with one of the residents whose yard has been affected by the runoffs, “and he’s willing to do whatever he can to mitigate the problem.â€
Ciaramella distributed photos to the councillors that showed that the natural spring in the resident’s backyard “comes down from Reservoir and doesn’t even start on his property.â€
“My question to the Council is, how much responsibility do we put on the resident that inherits a natural spring that is coming from his yard, but not even starting in his yard?†he asked.
Ciaramella confirmed that his department tested the water and determined that the runoffs are not from a pipe, but from a natural spring.
Keefe said it should not be the city’s intention to fine residents who are not at fault for the buildup of water. He suggested that the city prioritize “the most severe situations†of natural springs causing hazards in neighborhoods.
Councillor-at-Large George Rotondo said he has seen similar problems on other streets in Revere. “Some years, it gets worse, some years they don’t have much, it depends on the flow of the springs,†he said.
Joseph Lake, general foreman for the Department of Public Works, said heavy rainfall exacerbates the problem with the natural springs. “I don’t know who the onus goes on, the onus goes on the city or the onus goes on the homeowner.â€
Council President Arthur Guinasso suggested that the matter should be referred to the Council’s Public Works Sub-Committee and it was so voted.
Keefe was happy with the immediate attention given to his motion.
“Don Ciaramella and Joe Lake are very qualified individuals and I’m glad they’re investigating these springs that are popping up throughout the city and causing havoc to residents,†said Keefe.
Councillor-at-Large Steve Morabito also praised Ciaramella and Lake for their responsiveness.
“No matter what issue that I bring to their attention, they’re always on top of it, and they always know what’s going on,†said Morabito. “They always know the solution and what it takes to fix the issue.â€
Guinasso announces Council Committees for new year
City Council President Arthur Guinasso has announced the following Council Sub-Committee assignments for 2019:
Appointment and Personnel Administration Committee:
Councillor Jessica Giannino, Chairwoman
Councillors Keefe, McKenna, Morabito, and Powers.
Economic Development and Planning Committee
Councillor Steve Morabito, Chairman
Councillors Giannino, McKenna, Patch, and Rizzo.
Public Works Committee
Councillor Joanna McKenna, Chairwoman
Councillors Morabito, Patch, Rotondo, Councillor Zambuto.
Elder Affairs Committee
Councillor John Powers, Chairman
Councillors Keefe, McKenna, Morabito, and Rotondo.
Veterans Affairs Committee
Councillor Charles Patch, Chairman
Councillors Novoselsky, Rizzo, Rotondo, and Zambuto.
Ways and Means Committee
Councillor Dan Rizzo, Chairman
Councillors Giannino, Morabito, Patch, and Zambuto.
Youth and Parks and Recreation Committee
Councillor George Rotondo, Chairman
Councillors Giannino, Keefe, Powers, and Novoselsky.
Zoning Committee
Councillor Anthony Zambuto, Chairman
Councillors Giannino, Keefe, Novoselsky, and Rizzo.
Legislative Affairs Committee
Councillor Patrick Keefe, Chairman
Councillors Novoselsky, Powers, Rizzo, and Zambuto.
Public Safety Committee
Councillor Ira Novoselsky, Chairman
Councillors McKenna, Patch, Powers, and Rotondo.