2019 Election Calendar Finalized

The City Council unanimously approved the City of Revere 2019 Election Calendar as prepared by Election Commission Diane R. Colella.

Following is the calendar for all municipal offices to be voted on in 2019:

Nomination papers are released on Monday, May 6, at 8:15 a.m.

Office: Mayor

Number of Qualified Signatures Needed: 50 signatures City Wide

Office: Councillor At-Large

Number of Qualified Signatures Needed: 50 signatures city wide

Office: Ward Councillor

Number of Signatures Needed: 50 signatures from within the ward

Office: School Committee

Number of Signatures Needed: 50 Signatures city wide


Tuesday, Jan. 22 (5 p.m.)

Event: Last date and time for all candidates and non-elected public officials to file their 2018 Campaign Finance report. Period covered from Jan. 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019.

Monday, May 6 (8:15 a.m.)

Event: Nomination papers available for all candidates. Nomination papers can only be furnished to the candidate or individual authorized in writing by the candidate to obtain papers on the candidate’s behalf. Candidates shall file a statement containing their name, address, and office for which he/she will be a candidate before obtaining the nomination papers.

Tuesday, June 18 (6 p.m.)

Event: Office of Campaign and Political Finance session conducted by Mr. Jason Tait, Director of Communication and Public Education, Office of Campaign and Political Finance. The training session is held in the City Council Chambers, Revere City Hall, 281 Broadway, Revere.

Tuesday, July 23 (5 p.m.)

Event: Last day and time to submit nomination papers to the Election Commissioners for certification of signatures.

Wednesday, Aug. 7 (5 p.m.)

Event: Post list of candidates.

Thursday, Aug. 8 (5 p.m.)

Event: Last date and time for filing withdrawals or objections to nomination papers.

Friday, Aug. 9 (10 a.m.)

Event: Drawing by the Election Commissioner for the candidate’s position on the preliminary ballot if there are a sufficient number of candidates to warrant a preliminary. Drawing is held in the Election Department.

Wednesday, Aug. 21 (8 p.m.)

Event: Last date and time to register to vote for the Sept. 10, 2019 preliminary.

Tuesday, Sept. 3 (5 p.m.)

Event: Last date and time for candidates on the ballot to file their first Campaign Finance report for 2019. Period covered is Jan. 1, 2019 to Aug. 23, 2019. When a preliminary is not held, no report is due.

Tuesday, Sept. 3 (5 p.m.)

Event: Last date and time to post the warrant for the preliminary.

Monday, Sept. 9 (12 p.m.)

Last date and time to file an application for an absentee ballot for the preliminary.

Tuesday, Sept. 10 (7 a.m. to 8 p.m.)

Event: Preliminary Election at all polling locations in the city.

Monday, Sept. 16 (5 p.m.)

Event: Last date and time for filing withdrawals of or objections to nominations made at the preliminary and for filing written acceptances by write-in or sticker candidates who won in the preliminary. The last day to file a recount petition.

Wednesday, Oct. 16 (8 p.m.)

Event: Late date and time to register to vote for the Municipal Election.

Monday, Oct. 28 (5 p.m.)

Event: Last date and time for all candidates and non-elected public officials to file their second Campaign Finance report for 2019. Period covered is from Aug. 24, 2019 to Oct. 18, 2019. If a preliminary is not held, the period is Jan. 1, 2019 to Oct. 18, 2019.

Tuesday, Oct. 29

Event: Last date and time to post the warrant for the Municipal Election.

Monday, Nov. 4 (12 p.m.)

Event: Last date and time to file an application for an absentee ballot for the Nov. 5, 2019 Municipal Election.

Tuesday, Nov. 5 (7 a.m. to 8 p.m.)

Event: Municipal Election at all polling locations in the city.

Friday, Nov. 15 (5 p.m.)

Event: Last date and time to file a recount petition.

Monday, Jan. 20, 2020 (5 p.m.)

Event: Last date and time for all candidates and non-elected public officials to file their 2019 year-end Campaign Finance report. The period covered is Oct. 19, 2019 to Dec. 31, 2019.

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