Category: Editorials

Letter to the Editor

This is Not a Game Dear Editor, At the risk of sounding naive (which I am not) … The coming of an election season, while competitive at its core, should inspire candidates’ passion for public service and engage their constituencies…

Let’s Talk About Childcare in Revere

By Alexander Rhalimi Childcare is not just a matter of convenience; it’s a fundamental building block of a thriving community. As a candidate for Revere councillor-at-large, Alexander Rhalimi understands the critical role that accessible and affordable childcare plays in supporting…

Our Seniors Deserve Better

By Gerry Visconti Revere emerged from the pandemic as the fastest growing city in the state. This rapid growth has coincided with inflation and cost of living increases that make it especially difficult for our seniors. Our campaign believes this…

Did you like Barbie?

Barbie, the blockbuster movie that is this year’s mass culture phenomenon, has drawn a mixed reaction from critics and the public alike. Some love it — they’re the ones who have gone multiple times to see the movie — while…

Have we reached thetipping point?

The steady stream of news reports this summer about the ever-worsening effects of climate change have been depressing, ranging from the 100-percent loss of coral reefs off the Florida Keys (because water temperatures have reached 100 degrees), to the unprecedented…

Speed kills, but how do we kill speed?

By Acting Mayor Patrick M. Keefe Recent incidents have focused intense attention on traffic safety and regulating the speed of motor vehicles that travel the streets of our city. Unfortunately, the speed of vehicular traffic has become an increasing public…

Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Voters of Revere Dear Editor, This year Revere faces many questions about its future and its identity as a city that is truly representative of the people that live in it. We have the largest field of…

More Bizarro Comments by RFK Jr.

Well, as if right on cue, two days after our editorial  last week (“RFK Jr. is a disgrace to his family name”) about the delusional “campaign” for President by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., he made this disturbing comment at a…