Category: Editorials

National Grid Open to Negotiations

At National Grid, we’re industry leaders in the clean energy transition. We take seriously our responsibility to help solve major energy challenges, while meeting our customers’ evolving expectations and ensuring that the cost of our service is sustainable for years…

Hands-Free Driving Law Needed

Public safety advocates have been disappointed this week that the legislature has failed to adopt a bill in this legislative session that would ban the use of mobile electronic devices while operating a motor vehicle unless the devices are used…

Charlie Baker Represents All of Us

A recent news article in The Boston Globe quoted a number of reportedly important RepubIican party members who asserted that they have been disappointed in the performance of Gov. Charlie Baker because he has been “too liberal.” They are upset…

Revere Beach Sand Sculpting Festival

This weekend marks the 15th annual International Sand Sculpting Festival on Revere Beach. Thousands of  Revere residents, as well as hundreds of thousands of visitors from throughout the Boston area, will flock to America’s oldest public beach to view the works…

City Budget

The city budget for Fiscal Year 2019 that was submitted by Mayor Brian Arrigo and approved by the City Council in June shows that Revere is moving in the right direction. The budget that was submitted by the mayor was…

Letters to the Editor

Revere residents against increased construction Dear Editor: The Rezoning Proposal is facing opposition by concerned residents of School Street and the surrounding streets and properties. We are a quiet community with a friendly and neighboring manner. Without sufficient notice, only…

Make the Most of Summer

My father who lived an extraordinary life, used to say, “When you look back on your life, you realize that all you really have is a lot of memories.” What brings these words to mind is the realization that the…

Promises to Make to Yourself

You make promises to others but what promises do you make to yourself?  Making appropriate commitments to yourself is essential for guiding your life in the direction you desire.  If you don’t take care of yourself, no one else will.…

Enjoy a Safe and Sane Fourth

The summer season’s big holiday, the Fourth of July, soon will be upon us. Millions of Americans will be celebrating the holiday — which will be a long and extended five-day weekend for many of us — with friends and…

Why is Plastic Pollution Partisan?

Pollution should be a non-partisan issue. But, for some reason, it’s not. On June 5th, World Environment Day (WED), India’s Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Harsh Vadham, announced India’s unprecedented pledge to abandon single-use plastics by 2022 at…

Letter to the Editor

PLASTICS ARE BAD FOR OUR BEACHES AND ENVIRONMENT Dear Editor, This past Saturday, Revere residents and members of Environment Massachusetts cleared garbage, mostly single-use plastic, from Revere Beach. The sand might be plastic-free for now, but you’ll see those volunteers…

Letter to the Editor

THANK YOU BIC Dear Editor: We the residents of the Howe Bldg., in Beachmont would like to express our gratitude to “The Beachmont Improvement Committee.” The beautiful park they maintain is ‘beautiful,’  and having that at our front door, starts…

Addressing the Rat Problem in Revere

Public concern about rodents, particularly rats, has escalated steadily in recent years. Longstanding efforts to combat rodent infestation, overseen by the City’s Inspectional Services Department, has had a modicum of success. The Department’s resources and manpower, however, have been insufficient…

Is This Really America?

The national disgrace that is occurring at our southern border is something that we never could have imagined happening in the United States of America. The images of children separated from their parents and locked behind chain link fences evokes…