Special to the Journal
On Wednesday, April 19, 12 year old Revere youth Anthony Ferragamo volunteered several hours of his time for community service to assist the Revere Fire Department. He spent most of his time with the people picture above and helped with several daily and weekly household chores that were needed at the station. He assisted in cleaning, sweeping and organizing many areas throughout the station. He also learned and assisted with miscellaneous trainings, equipment checks, pump drills and hose drills.
Lunch was supplied to all the firefighters by Anthony’s father, Gary, and the pizzas were donated by Bianchi’s Pizza on Revere Beach. Anthony was gifted a Revere Fire Department T-shirt by Chief Bright as a thank you for his interest, concern and assistance in the fire department and has invited Anthony back any time.
Anthony is going to St. Mary’s Private School in Lynn and has recently been inducted into the Junior National Honor Society where he is excelling above and beyond in all his course and classes. He very much enjoys community involvement and is already checking his schedule to see when is the soonest he will be able to return to assist his new friends again at the Revere Fire Department.