Letters to the Editor

The One Whom Satan Fears

Dear Editor,

Have you ever wondered why Christians and Jews are targeted by violence, evil doers, and liberal progressives?  Jewish believers have been attacked and hated historically by many cultures to the point of extinction. Yet, God has preserved them. Why is the Bible questioned and scrutinized over other “sacred” books? Why is only the name of Jesus used in vain as an expletive for swearing, or to vent anger and frustration? 

Obviously, Christ is the target.  Those who believe in Him are targeted. Those who were historically connected with His origins are targeted. Jesus came through the Jewish tribe of Judah. He is the Jewish Messiah, though many in the Jewish faith do not hold to this opinion. 

However, one does. That’s Satan!  The Evil Satan hates everything and everyone connected with Jesus!  Thus, he attacks Jews and Christians, the Cross and the Bible, Prayer and the Ten Commandments, and so on. Other religions and their specific founders are not a threat to Satan so he leaves them alone.  He is only threatened by the True God of the Bible and the Annointed Son whom God sent to redeem mankind.  So if Satan fears only Jesus Christ as his adversary, then the one we should trust with all our heart and soul is Jesus Christ!

Lucia Hunter

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