RHS Class of 1972 To Host 50th Reunion
The Revere High School Class of 1972 is having a 50th reunion celebration on September 17th at the Winthrop Elks, 191 Washington Ave., Winthrop, at 7pm.
A website is set up to accept ticket sales at https://myevent.com/rhs72-50
Email [email protected] with any questions.
Revere DPW to Host Revere Public Works Day
The Revere Department of Public Works announced Revere Public Works Day 2022 is being held on Saturday, September 10 at the Rumney Marsh Academy between 10am – 2pm. This event will showcase services the DPW and Water/Sewer Departments provide throughout the city and give residents and kids a chance to learn more about this essential department. There will be several educational games and activities for children of all ages. Tons of freebies, a bounce house, face painting, DJ and more will be available to add to the excitement.
The Revere 311 office will be there to answer questions and open tickets for issues residents may have in Revere, like potholes, raised sidewalks, and more. The MWRA will also be in attendance to provide educational materials and provide clean and fresh water to attendees with the help of their water truck.
A bulky item drop off will be available in the parking lot of Revere High School on this day as well. ONLY non-hazardous bulky items will be accepted (i.e., mattresses, furniture, bicycles, wood up to 4ft in length, lawn furniture, etc.). Items that will not be accepted are appliances, electronics, paint, and batteries. Money will be accepted by cash or check only. Attendees are asked to park in the Revere High School parking lot at 101 School Street for this event.
Mosquito Spraying To Be Conducted at RPS Buildings Aug. 25
Northeast Massachusetts Mosquito Control will be spraying on Thursday August 25, between 8 p.m. and midnight. The rain date would be Friday August 26.
The areas to be treated will be all Revere Public Schools, plus Ambrose/Erricola Park, DiSalvo Park, Curtis Park, Fredrick’s Park, St. Mary’s Griswold Park, and Gibson Park. This is designed to control the adult mosquito population near city schools and fields. We suggest residents in these neighborhoods remain indoors with windows and doors closed while spraying is occurring in your area, and for 30 minutes after. Air Conditioners can remain on. If you have any questions, please visit www.revere.org/mosquito or call the Revere Public Health Department at 781-485-8486.
RHS and ICHS Class of 1960 Reunion
Members of the Revere High School and Immaculate Conception High School Class of 1960 are invited to an 80 birthday bash.
Since the last reunion was COVID cancelled, classmates are gathering to celebrate our 80th birthdays and rekindling old friendships.
The reunion will be held on Thursday, Sept. 29, from 1 p.m. -5 p.m. atthe Marina at Wharf Restaurant.The cost is $40 per person for buffet dinner
Please send checks, payable to Louie Caputo, to:
99 Conifer Hill Dr Ste 202, Danvers, MA 01923
Unemployment Rate Sees Small Drop for July
The state’s July total unemployment rate dropped by two-tenths of a percentage point at 3.5 percent over-the-month, the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development announced Friday.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ preliminary job estimates indicate Massachusetts gained 13,500 jobs in July. This follows last month’s revised gain of 5,800 jobs. The largest over the month private sector job gains were in Professional and Business Services, Education and Health Services, and Other Services. Employment now stands at 3,680,100. Since the employment trough in April 2020, Massachusetts gained 629,100 jobs.
From July 2021 to July 2022, BLS estimates Massachusetts gained 134,500 jobs. The largest over the year gains occurred in Professional, Scientific, and Business Services, Leisure and Hospitality, and Education and Health Services.
The July unemployment rate of 3.5 percent was the same as the national rate reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The labor force decreased by an estimated 7,500 from 3,773,100 in June, as 800 more residents were employed, and 8,300 fewer residents were unemployed over-the-month.
Over-the-year, the state’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was down by 2.2 percentage points.
The state’s labor force participation rate – the total number of residents 16 or older who worked or were unemployed and actively sought work in the last four weeks – was down two-tenths of a percentage point at 65.8 percent. Compared to July 2021, the labor force participation rate was up 0.2 percentage points.
July 2022 Employment OverviewÂ
Government gained 12,800 jobs over the month. Over the year, 4,500 jobs were lost.
Professional and Business Services gained 5,500jobs over the month. Over the year, 34,300 jobs were added.
Education and Health Services gained 5,200 jobs over the month. Over the year, 30,200 jobs were added.
Other Services gained 1,400 jobs over the month. Over the year, 6,900 jobs were added.
Information gained 1,300 jobs over the month. Over the year, 5,200 jobs were added.
Manufacturing gained 900 over the month. Over the year, 8,400 jobs were added.