The City Council approved three motions offered by Councillor-at-Large George Rotondo at Monday night’s meeting.
Rotondo motions were as follows:
• A request that Mayor Brian Arrigo provide the City Council with all demographic data points by census block;
• A request that Mayor Brian Arrigo request that [Chief Officer of Talent and Culture] Dr. Maritza Barros provide the City Council with a copy of the REMAP plan and current scope of work to identify those who are traditionally and most marginalized in our community which was discussed at the Human Rights Commission of March 10, 2022. Further, that Dr. Barros be requested to inform the City Council of what can be done through the City Council to meet these goals; and
• A request that Mayor Brian Arrigo ask Dr. Barros and City Solicitor Paul Capizzi to hold a hostile work environment seminar.