Get ready for a good snow storm in March or April because the Licensing Commission has approved a permit for Fiesta Shows to come to town once again.
Traditionally it snows at least once when Fiesta open its first show of the season in the Showcase Cinema parking lot off Squire Road on March 21 and close on April 15 operating every day from 3-11 p.m.
This year the License Commission reminded show owner John Flynn of years past when there were incidences but they noted that last year was a good year with no problems. This is credited to beefed up security and the installation of cameras around the cinema.
“In the past sometimes I voted for this sometimes against,†said Commissioner Linda Guinasso. “I’ve looked at other cities and towns and I wonder why they allow the show, and it all comes down to the money. It’s hard to turn this money down for the kids.â€
The funds do go to the McCarthy-Trifone fund, which is used to support sports in the city.
Ward 5 Councillor John Powers said Flynn has stepped up over the years.
Jane D’Angelo, president of the McCarthy-Trifone fund said without the carnival there would be no other means of money for the fund.
“He has been very generous even in the years it snowed and rained,†she said.