Councillor at Large Dan Rizzo is off to a fast start in what many around here are considering a sprint to the primary to be held the day after Memorial Day for the senate seat vacated by Robert Travaglini. Rizzo and his advisers are treating the special election with a high degree of focus that finds Rizzo spending the past few days going door to door in Cambridge. Also, Senator Jarrett Barrios is apparently organizing forces for Rizzo in the Cambridge wards.
Representative Anthony Petruccelli has been passing out stickers and organizing his campaign staff. His political literature is expected to flood the district. In addition, Petruccelli is said to have the key support of House Speaker Sal DiMasi and Boston Mayor Tom Menino. Some political know it alls claim such support is crucial. Others claim it does very little to swing and election with the smaller demographic.
It will take at least a week or two of watching these two closely as their campaigns come together in order to assess what their chances are. Right now, the best guess is that both candidates are at equal places, struggling to get out in front, and trying to figure out which way to effectively do that.