Silvestri Takes Gavel as New Council President

By Adam Swift

Councillor-at-Large Marc Silvestri was the unanimous choice as the new City Council President Monday night.

Former Revere City Council President Anthony Cogliandro (left) accepts his plaque and the gratitude from his colleagues for serving as president. Councillor-at-Large Marc Silvestri accepts the gavel of Council President.

Silvestri takes the gavel from Ward 3 Councilor Anthony Cogliandro.

Silvestri, an Army veteran and the city’s former director of veterans’ services, was first elected to an at-large seat in 2021.

“I want to thank everyone who is here tonight, and I want to thank my colleagues for their support,” said Silvestri. “As I’ve said before, we are never always going to agree, but I think we can all agree that moving the city forward is the most important thing, and we have to do that together.”

Silvestri thanked Cogliandro for his leadership over the past year and presented him with a plaque with a gavel in recognition of his time as council president.

“He showed me that even being young onto the council that there was ability of leadership and guidance, and I look forward to taking a little bit of (his) page,” said Silvestri.

Cogliandro noted that he has thanked his fellow council members many times for their trust in him.

“The one person I have not thanked, and the most important person, is City Clerk Ashley Melnik,” said Cogliandro. “Anyone who is lucky enough to sit back here understands how important she is to the city, but let me tell you, I have never had someone have my back like she did as president. If I was successful this year, it was only because of her guidance and knowledge, and I want to thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.”

Ward 1 Councilor Joanne McKenna was the unanimous choice to serve as council vice president for 2025. McKenna has served several terms as vice president, including in 2023, when then-President Patrick Keefe took over as acting mayor and McKenna was elevated to president pro-tem.

“Thank you very much for the support of my colleagues, and thank you to Ashley Melnik, who has had my back also for the last 10 years,” said McKenna.

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