Letter to the Editor

Climate Change-Another Crisis for Mandates

Dear Editor,

God placed Man in the garden to care for it, therefore we all should care for our environment so to live healthy lives. No one wants pollution to contaminate the air we breathe or the water we drink or the soil in which we grow our food.  But when making decisions on the use of energy, we must employ logic and common sense and weigh the pros and cons of various energy sources..

Somehow, this logic has gone out the window with Climate Alarmists who predict gloom and doom of epic proportions based on fear, not science. Fossil Fuels has become the big culprit even though the USA made tremendous strides in producing cleaner fossil fuel usage than any other major country in the world! Natural gas produces water and CO2 which is used by plant life. Plants need CO2 and more plant life reduces global warming!  While China builds new coal mines to increase fossil fuel production, we are crippling and destroying our own energy industry! 

Cost effective fossil fuel has encourage human florishing. People in the world live in poverty, hunger and illness due to lack of fuel energy that can provide lighting, heat, running water and manufacturing of goods and services. 

Efficient and cost effective fossil fuels is a must for our Nation. The “net zero” goal is a pipe dream that will impose food, work and travel restrictions and will bring us into the dark ages, literally!

Lucia Hunter

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