Angela Guarino-Sawaya, a cancer survivor and former teacher, is announcing her candidacy for Revere City Council – Ward 5. With a passion for community involvement and a track record of getting things done, Guarino-Sawaya is committed to being 100-percent accessible and giving 110-percent effort to serving the people of Ward 5.
Guarino-Sawaya is a graduate of Suffolk University and with nearly 20 years experience with the Boston Public Schools, she brings a strong focus on family and community. Volunteering with organizations such as the Revere Little League, Immaculate Conception School, and President of the Point of Pines Beach Association, she has built the foundation to serve Ward 5 with dedication and resiliency. She will treat her constituents with empathy and understanding.
Guarino-Sawaya sees the following pressing issues as facing Ward 5 today: over-development, traffic management and coastal resiliency. She plans to stop overdevelopment by implementing a moratorium and enacting a sensible planning review. Angela plans on tackling the traffic by conducting an in-depth study at peak hours for traffic management with real solutions implemented. Angela also plans on prioritizing the environment and coastal resiliency to protect homeowners against flooding, and ensure the conservation of important ecological wetlands such as that of Rumney Marsh.
The cornerstone of her FULL-TIME representation of Ward 5 will be Family values always first, and represent the entire ward with Honesty, Integrity, & Dedication. Angela’s Passion will be the driving force for getting things done!
For more information or to get involved with Angela Guarino-Sawaya’s campaign, please call or text 781.588.0103