Ward 3 Councillor Anthony Cogliandro said that parents are blocking driveways on Tuckerman Street as they wait in their vehicles to pick up their children after school at the Lincoln Elementary School.
Cogliandro asked that the Revere Police Department have an officer present on school days to address the problem, and the City Council unanimously supported his request at its March 14 meeting.
“Myself and the Lincoln School staff have both received a lot of complaints about this issue,†said Cogliandro. “There is periodically an officer down at the intersection, with the crossing guard. I’ve seen them less over the last couple of months or so. I did see an officer there the other day, but the problem lies with Tuckerman Street. Residents are having their driveways blocked. The double parking makes it very difficult to travel through that street. It is a safety issue for the children, and I’m hoping that maybe sending an officer there even for just a little while is a deterrent for people to cause such congestion on Tuckerman Street.â€
Ward 2 Councillor Ira Novoselsky said he has witnessed similar double-parking issues at the Garfield School.
“I’ve actually asked the Parking Department to send people down, and also the Police Department when they’re blocking someone’s driveway,†said Novoselsky. “It’s nice that parents want to pick up the kids up at school, but they don’t have to be rude and block people’s driveways.â€
Cogliandro concluded the discussion by stating that his request for parking enforcement on Tuckerman Street has the support of Revere Parking Director Zachary Babo. “He was in favor of this motion,†Cogliandro indicated.