Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic and related restrictions, and in the effort to promote public safety and protect the well-being of everyone involved, the following steps will be implemented at Re-vere City Hall on Primary Election Night, Tuesday, September 1.
1. City Hall will be closed to the general public on Election Night. Only authorized persons will be admitted into City Hall after check-in through the lower entrance on the Pleasant Street side of the building.
2. The following persons will be authorized to enter City Hall:
a. Election Department staff working in relation to the Election.
b. Police department officers delivering ballots to City hall.
c. Candidates for office whose name appears on the ballot, in addition to no more than two associates/campaign staff who must be registered for entry prior to 5 p.m. on Primary Election night.
i. Please provide the names of associates/staff to the Election De-partment before 5:00 p.m. on Primary Election night.
d. Authorized representatives of Revere TV and the media.
3. All persons entering Revere City Hall are required to wear facial coverings and to observe the 6-foot social distancing requirements.
4. Election Department operations will be conducted in the City Council Chamber to allow for more space for workers. The Council Chamber will be closed to all persons other than Election Department staff working in relation to the Election, and police officers and poll workers who deliver the ballots to City Hall. No other persons will be allowed in the Council Chamber, consistent with past practice when the Election Department opera-tions took place in the Election Department office.
5. Ballot tabulations listed on the “tape†produced by the ballot counting machines will be posted in a conspicuous place outside the Council Chamber as soon as it is produced.
6. Revere TV will telecast, according to their resources, the delivery of ballots and the posting of the “tape†tabulations. Your cooperation is imperative to assure the safety of those who are required to participate in this vital function. I am grateful for your patience and we will do everything in our power to as-sure a smooth and transparent operation on Election Night, just as we always have. The cir-cumstances of the pandemic, however, compel us to implement these changes to our pre-vious routine.