City councillors Monday night denied a request to take by eminent domain two pieces of property on Beachmont Avenue that would have allowed stairs for beach access to be re-built at that location.
The Council voted after much discussion – discussion that included more than 25 neighbors supporting the Beachmont Avenue location and one abutter in opposition to the location. In the end, the Council needed to approve the taking – which was fully supported by Mayor Tom Ambrosino – by a two-thirds majority (meaning eight votes). However, there was enough opposition on the Council to override the swell of support present in the Council Chambers.
The final vote was six in approval and five in opposition, effectively blocking the taking.
Those councillors for the taking were Doug Goodwin, John Correggio, Arthur Guinasso, Bob Haas, Dan Rizzo and Tony Zambuto.
Those in opposition were Mark Casella, George V. Colella, Ira Novoselsky, George Rotondo and John Powers.
Goodwin said afterward that the city would probably move to try and locate the stairs at the alternate location on Winthrop Avenue – a location that was voted down by the neighborhood 177 to 56 at City Hall last summer.
See more details in Wednesday’s edition of the Journal.