If you’re down on today’s younger generation, then Father George Szal of IC has an upbeat message for you about some of Revere’s young people.
Szal told the Journal that during the four Sundays of Lent, several young adults and teens in the parish decided to go door to door to announce the Gospel to those who want to listen. Now, many of us have never done what’s called “cold call evangelism,” but if you have you would know it takes a lot of bravery, courage and a confidence in what you’re talking about – in this case Jesus.
Anyway, Szal said that he was very surprised to see 45 or more enthusiastic young people ready to go out and take on such a task. He said the average age of the young people was 18 to 25 – often an age that would not be synonimous with enthusiastically sharing the Gospel.
“I was blown away by the amount of participation,” he said. “We went out and we had a lot of rejections, which you would expect, but there were some miracles in which people who answered their door really needed a good word at that moment.”