By Adam Swift
Ward 1 Councillor Joanne McKenna is requesting that the city use a less invasive rodent poison when baiting for rats.
McKenna said data shows that the more potent poison currently being used affects the wildlife chain by killing off hawks, coyotes, owls, cats, and dogs. A less invasive poison would help protect wildlife and not cost more than what is currently being used, she added.
“This motion was brought up two years ago and passed by the council, but it doesn’t seem like we are implementing a less invasive poison,” said McKenna. “I just spoke to the Belle Isle ranger, and (the ranger) said they are finding carcasses of not only owls, but cats. I know we have a problem with rats because we have a lot of construction going on … but I don’t know if people understand the trauma these animals go through when a rat eats this poison.”
She said the poison dehydrates the rats over the course of several days, during which time owls and other predators might eat the rats and poison them.
“We really need to get on the bandwagon, because we abut a marsh that has a zillion animals and they are all dying,” said McKenna.
Council President Anthony Cogliandro said he supported McKenna’s motion.
“We are having the exact same issue in the Immaculate Conception area,” said Cogliandro. “I’ve been getting calls from Elm Street and Bixby Street where they are finding dead squirrels and dead birds, and even unfortunately there was a dog that ate a rat that was poisoned and the dog passed away. I couldn’t agree more with doing what we need to do to get this issue solved.”