Former Mayor Arrigo helps keep Mayor’s Leadership Scholarship program alive

By Adam Swift

A beloved educational award institution continued last week under a new name.

Some of the most accomplished students graduating from the city’s elementary and middle schools were honored at the Mayor Brian Arrigo Leadership Awards ceremony at city hall on Thursday, June 13.

Formerly known as the Mayor Colella Leadership Awards, former mayor and current DCR Commissioner Brian Arrigo committed to funding the awards this year.

“When I was a former middle school principal, this was always one of my favorite days of the year, to recognize excellence in our classrooms at the elementary and middle school level, and reward students who put in a ton of hard work over their tenure,” said assistant Superintendent of Schools Dr. Richard Gallucci. “We are incredibly proud of each and every one of you.”

In addition to educational achievement, Gallucci said the awards honor those students with leadership skills, compassion, and emotional intelligence.

Mayor Patrick Keefe said that when he took office, he was committed to making sure the city found a funding source to make sure the mayor’s awards continued.

“It was even more special this year to find out that former mayor and commissioner of the DCR brought the actual green today … and said (he) still had some money he would like to contribute and continue to sponsor this award for as long as (he) possibly can,” said Keefe. “It’s just that pay it forward mentality that he has brought along with Mayor Colella and other mayors and I ensure, I promise you this, that we will continue to pay it forward.”

Arrigo said it was energizing to see young people in Revere recognized for their incredible work and to see the future leaders of the community supported for their leadership and resiliency.

“It fills my heart and I’m so appreciative to be in the position to support all of you,” said Arrigo.

Taking a seat of honor at the awards ceremony was former school committee member, teacher, and superintendent Carol Tye.

“This is a tremendous accomplishment,” said Tye. “When Mayor Colella was giving out scholarships one year, he said to me, ‘There should be a scholarship for kids who are in the younger grades.’ His wife then told me that he had provided in his will for the money that would sustain the scholarship for a number of years.”

Tye said she is confident the mayor’s awards will continue and be part of a great legacy of the schools and the city.

“I was born here, I hope to last out my life here, this is such a wonderful place to be, and I am so encouraged by all of you and I wish you great joy in the future,” said Tye.

Also on hand to represent the city and help pass out the awards to the students were city councillors Angela Guarino-Sawaya and Ira Novoselsky.

Each of the winners were presented with a certificate and a check as they were introduced by administrators and teachers from their schools.

The elementary school winners of the Mayor Brian Arrigo Leadership Awards for 2024 were Paulina Vargas from the Beachmont School, Desi DeSimone from the Garfield Elementary School, Nour Elimane Taoued from the Hill School, Joselynn Ochoa Arreaga from the Paul Revere Innovation School, Billale Allache from the Lincoln Elementary School, and Sofia Monsalve Beard from the Whelan Elementary School.

The middle school award winners were Genevieve Belmonte from the Garfield Middle School, Lara Ribeiro from the Rumney Marsh Academy, and Gabriella Aguilar from the Susan B. Anthony Middle School.

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