By Melissa Moore-Randall
The year 1963 began the 60 year journey of Ira Novoselsky with RHS football. “When I was an RHS sophomore in 1963, I wanted to do something for my school. I was too small to play sports. A few of my friends decided to work with the football team. Many of my classmates were playing, and I wanted to see what I could do to help. A notice came out looking for team managers. I knew a few of the coaches from the Jewish Community Center and also a few were my teachers. This was the start.”
“As the managers, we were the waterboys during games and equipment helpers. As the season went on, I noticed that Coach Silvio Cella was looking for statistics on the players from the games,” said Novoselsky, “I was into math and thought I could help. The second game of that season, I started in the old wooden pressbox doing stats. I did statistics until 1978. When clock operator Al Mucci passed away, I stepped in. Now 45 years later and a total of 60 years in the press box, I thought it was time to retire.”
Novoselsky , 76, is a life-long Revere resident and still lives in the same house he was born in, Son of Florence and Sam Novoselsky, he was married to his junior high sweetheart Rochelle “Shelley” Gaber for 52 years. He is also dad to Seth and his wife Jeannemarie and grandfather to Olivia and Charleigh.
Ira has had many memorable moments over the past 60 years. “We were 8-0 going into the Thanksgiving game and the week before we found out that one of our star players, Paul Nuell, was declared ineligible to play. We forfeited all our games which made us 0-8. Winthrop was also 8-0. Their star player was “Tank” Adamson. The stands at the stadium were condemned so the City had to put portable stands on the end zones and visitors sideline. The game was packed with fans from everywhere. It is suspected that around 5000 people attended. The game was tied at 0-0 until the last play of the game until Revere scored and won the game 6-0.”
“Another moment was 1964 at the Manning Bowl in Lynn when we played Lynn Classical. It was pouring rain. Both teams were very good and well matched. Again, at the very end of the game, our quarterback, Jimmy DelGaizo, made a pass to his twin brother, John, into the end zone to make the game winning catch.”
“In 1972, Revere High went to the MIAA Division 1 Superbowl at Boston College. One of the team stars was Joe Festa, our running back. Unfortunately, Revere ran into a powerhouse team of Brockton High School. They lost the game, but won the respect of everyone just to get there.”
“I love Revere and will do most anything to help make it better. Working with all the head coaches over the years was very rewarding. I made many new friends and kept them for many years. Back then, RHS leadership was warm and friendly. I have enjoyed working with current Coach Cicatelli and Athletic Director Frank Shea.”
His dedication to RHS Football has not gone unnoticed. Athletic Director Frank Shea said, “Ira has been a huge part of our game day operations having been on the clock for close to 60 years. He has shown truly amazing dedication and he will be sorely missed and impossible to replace.”
Head Coach Lou Cicatelli added, “Ira has been a great friend, fan and staunch supporter of Revere Football for many years. I have appreciated all his support during my tenure as Head Coach. He donated a lot of time through the years.”
Mayor Elect Patrick Keefe also had high praise for Ira. “Ira’s dedication to supporting RHS athletics and the football program is impressive. 60 years of service is something we will likely never see again in our lifetime.”
Surviving a condemned wooden press box in the 60s, a “new” wooden one for 50 years, and finally the new, heated, enclosed metal one built with the newly renovated stadium, Ira added, “It has been very enjoyable and absolutely worth it.”
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