Chris Giannino served the Revere Police Department exceptionally well for 33 years. In 2012, Sgt. Giannino was assigned the Officer in Charge position of the Traffic Division and held that position until his retirement in January.
Giannino will now bring his impressive background and experience in law enforcement – and a lifelong love for the City of Revere – to his candidacy for the Ward 6 seat on the City Council.
Giannino was asked what his inspiration was for entering politics and running for office.
“I have lived in Ward 6 my entire life. I understand the needs of our neighborhood and the City of Revere. I dedicated my life to serving and protecting the citizens of Revere and I am ready to step up to represent them in this capacity,†said Giannino. “The Revere City Council needs a voice of reason. I am prepared to have difficult conversations and help solve issues that will make the City of Revere a better place for all of us.â€
Giannino said Revere’s increase in population, making it the fastest growing city in the Commonwealth, has presented Revere with new challenges.
“The city of Revere has grown a great deal over the last few years and with this growth comes new challenges, especially the congestion in our roadways,†said Giannino. “There are trucks and vehicles that don’t belong on our side streets and residential neighborhoods and add to this congestion. I hope to apply my knowledge in this field to help come up with solutions to the traffic patterns and problems in our community.â€
For the last decade, Giannino has enjoyed a front row seat to the important work of the City Council. His daughter, Jessica, served commendably as a councillor-at-large and was elected by her colleagues as Council president. Jessica’s excellent performance as a councilwoman was rewarded by voters with multiple first-place finishes in citywide elections. She is currently state representative for Revere and Saugus, partnering with her friend and colleague, Rep. Jeff Turco of Winthrop, to preserve and advance the city’s best interests. From all reports, Jessica is considered a rising star on Beacon Hill.
“Since she was a little girl, I always knew that Jessica would use her voice to stand up for those who couldn’t,†said Chris Giannino. “Throughout her earliest years of education and now as State Rep, she continues to do so. As a single father, Jessica and I have a very unique and close relationship. I was so proud of her when she was elected to the council at 19, and it has filled me with pride to watch her continue to pursue her dreams and give back to the city she was raised in.â€
Jessica said she will be a proud supporter of her father’s quest for office.
“My dad has always been one of my biggest fans and supporters and always supported my hopes and dreams.†said Rep. Giannino. “I am proud to be supporting him as he continues his lifelong history of community service.â€
Chris Giannino said he will be holding a campaign kickoff event soon.