The Revere Traffic Commission held a regular meeting last Thursday, April 21, in the City Councilor Joseph A. Del Grosso Council Chambers at Revere City Hall.
City Planner Frank Stringi chaired the meeting that was attended by fellow members City Engineer Nicholas Rystrom and Fire Chief Chris Bright.
The items on the commission’s agenda were as follows:
Public Hearings:
1. Amend Schedule XIV of Title 10 – Bus Stops. To extend the Bus Stop #4761 from the current existing 50 feet to approximately 80 feet.
Ward 2 Councillor Ira Novoselsky presented the request, stating that the bus stop, which is located on Oak Island St., needs to be lengthened in order for buses to be able to pull up to the bus stop shelter that is used by the mostly-elderly residents of the nearby senior housing complex.
Novoselsky presented a petition signed by 80 residents in favor of the request.
Julie DeMauro from the city’s Dept. of Planning and Community Development also spoke in favor of the petition.
There were no opponents and the commission voted 3-0 to approve the change.
2. Amend the residential parking program to allow for non-resident customers patronizing business establishments with liquor licenses beyond 12:00AM to park their vehicles without receiving a ticket and/or being towed.
This has been an ongoing issue for some of the city’s restaurants, whose patrons have been ticketed for parking in areas designated as resident-only after midnight.
However, Police Sgt. Chris Giannino asked that the matter be tabled and the commission voted to do so.
3. Amend Schedule XI of Title 10 Handicapped Person Parking Areas by adding- 15 Elliot Rd.
Ralph DeCicco, the chairman of the city’s Commission on Disabilities, said he had reviewed the application and that it meets all of the requirements for the installation of a handicapped a parking space.
Novoselsky voiced his support for the application, noting that the person in question does not have a driveway on his premises and needs a designated handicapped parking space in front of his home
There were no opponents and the commission voted to approve it.
4. Amend Schedule IV of Title10 Isolated Stop Signs by removing Conant Street for Northeast bound and Southwest bound traffic at the intersection of Rumney Road.
Sgt. Giannino said that the stop signs no longer are needed because Conant St. , which formerly was a two-way road, now is a one-way street.
“Those stop signs should have been removed a long time ago,” said Giannino.
However, Michael D’Angelo of 185 Rumney Rd., representing his parents, who have lived in the neighborhood for more than 30 years, said that drivers roll through the stop signs as it is. He said that with the stop signs removed, motor vehicle operators will be driving even faster than they are now, which will make it hazardous for homeowners to pull out of their driveways.
“I believe that the stop signs are a good thing and keep the road safer by preventing people from blowing down the road,” said D’Angelo, who also added that young children play in the neighborhood.
The commission voted to table the matter until they can hear from the ward councillor.
5. Amend Section10.34.020 Section F to include 17 Dehon St. making the residents eligible for parking stickers.
Jamie Russo presented the request to the commission. He said that when the construction of the building at 17 Dehon St., was allowed, there were no restrictions on the eligibility for residents to obtain parking.permits.
However, for some reason, the building was included on the ineligibility list a few years later when the city amended its parking regulations.
Giannino confirmed that the building originally had been listed as eligible for resident parking stickers.
Novosleslky, who lives on Dehon St., said that the building inadvertently was placed into the non-permit category after its construction
There was one opponent, John Benetti, of 34 Dana St., who reviewed the history of construction in the area. He also noted that allowing the application may open up other buildings to similar requests.
“It seems like we’re doing favors,” he said. “If you open this up, does somebody else ask for the same thing? Does the next building get it? Does this open a can of worms for other places to do this? If so, then we’re in big trouble”
However, said Stringi, “I can assure you this will not happen,” and he then explained that this is a special situation involving this particular building’s pre-existing circumstances which should have exempted it from the parking laws that came later.
The commission voted 3-0 to approve the application.
1. Councilor McKenna is requesting four resident parking spaces be added to the municipal lot on Central Ave.
The commission has taken up this issue previously, which involves a request by a handful of nearby residents that they and their guests be allowed to park in the municipal lot, as they always had done, without having to pay the daily parking meter fee.
Nick Babbo, the city’s Director of Parking, told the commission that the parking meters that recently were installed in the city’s Central Ave. parking lot are in effect only from 9-5 on weekdays. He said that outside of those hours, parking is free for those with resident stickers.
Giannino said he spoke to McKenna, who has requested a public hearing be held at the commission’s next meeting. The commission voted 3-0 to move the matter to a public hearing.
.2. Amend Schedule XI of Title 10 Handicapped Person Parking Areas by adding 310 Vane St.
DeCicco said that the request does not meet the requirements for a handicapped spot because the person making the request has a driveway on his property, but asked that the matter be moved to a public hearing to allow the applicant to make his case.
The commission voted to move the matter to a public hearing.
3. Councilor Cogliandro request the Traffic Commission to amend Section 10.32.211 Commercial Vehicle Parking – Application for Permit, by striking Sub-Section 10.32.211(1), A valid business certificate must be on file with the city clerk’s office for the business associated with the commercial vehicle.
Councillor Cogliandro was unable to appear at the meeting, but Babbo said he supports the request.
The commission voted to take the matter under advisement and table it until Cogliandro can appear to present his request.
4. The Director of Parking would like to Amend Section 10.34.020 Section F to allow for two Resident Permits & one visitor pass.
Babbo appeared before the commission to point out that every household has the need for two vehicles and that ticketing in the city presently is unfair. The commission initially voted to move the matter to a public hearing.
However, Novoselsky said that there simply is not enough on-street parking to issue two permits to every household in the city.
“In my neighborhood, it will be very difficult to make this happen,” he said.
Stringi said he agrees that it should be done on a case-by-case basis, rather than as a blanket order covering the entire city, and suggested that the matter be taken under advisement and tabled to the next meeting, which the commission voted to do.
5. The MBTA requests that the Traffic Commission approve three bus stop changes for the 411 route:
New stop – Revere St to N. Shore Rd
Shift Beach St @ N. Shore Rd in front of 646 Beach St
Shift Beach St opp Nahant Ave to Beach St far side of Walnut Ave
DeMauro said this is a revision of the MBTA’s original request to change four bus stops. The commission voted to move the matter to a public hearing at its next meeting.
Novoselsky, citing previous reductions in bus service by the MBTA that he opposed, spoke against the request, citing a number of factors, particularly because the move will prove problematic for residents who live near the proposed new bus stops. He said that bus patrons often wait on the steps and front porches of private residences, especially in bad weather.
Stringi said that the commission needs more information on the issue and suggested tabling the matter until it receives the information from DeMauro.
DeCicco spoke against the application, stating that the stops will be more than 500 feet apart, which will make it difficult for disabled and elderly residents to use the buses.
“We need to have the MBTA come in and discuss this. We should move this to a public hearing,” said Stringi and the commission voted to do so.
6. Request to allow for angle parking at 1470 North Shore Rd.
Giannino explained that the new owners of the business at this location came to the station to review the issue of angle parking in front of their business. He asked that the matter be moved to a public hearing.
Novoselslky pointed out that angle parking was eliminated by the commission throughout the city last year, though angle parking still is occurring at 1470 No. Shore Rd. because the lines never were removed. He said that residents in that area were in favor of the elimination of the angle-parking because the angle-parking creates a safety issue.
The commission voted to move the matter to a public hearing.
7. Request by Councillor Ira Novoselsky to include 1695 No. Shore Rd., which contains 22 condominiums with 34 parking spaces, as eligible for 12 resident parking stickers.
“We measured the area and we figured out that there is space for 12 vehicles on Campbell Ave. behind their building,” said Novoselsky.
He asked that the matter be moved to a public hearing.
However, Stringi noted that the commission previously has given the Traffic Director the authority to issue parking permits on a case-by-case basis.
The commission voted to proceed with that current protocol, rather than amend the regulations, and Novoselsky said he and the residents will meet with Babbo to work things out.
The commission then voted to adjourn.