A Superior Court judge has thrown out a motion from Andrew MacCormack to have his indictment dismissed because he and his lawyer believe there was circumstantial evidence presented to the Grand Jury and probable cause was not demonstrated.
Andrew MacCormack, 31, of Grand View Avenue, is charged with the murder of his wife, schoolteacher Vanessa MacCormack, 30, in their home on Sept. 23, 2017.
Andrew MacCormack’s indictment is for first-degree murder. He has been held without bail since his arraignment.
The memorandum of decision from Judge Christine Roach on Jan. 29 states that “in the months prior to her death the victim had been confronting her husband about a series of events involving unexplained spending, missing items including wedding/engagement rings, withdrawals from their checking and savings accounts.
“The defendant had reverted to a hidden, but very active and expensive, cocaine habit,†Judge Roach stated.
The Grand Jury heard the details of Andrew MacCormack’s movements before, during and after the murder. The medical examiner also reported on the extent of injuries suffered by Vanessa MacCormack.
“As I just described, the evidence is varied, plentiful, and subject to reasonable inferences which, taken together as the Grand Jury was entitled to do, more than provide probable cause to believe that this defendant killed the victim,†Judge Roach wrote in her decision. The couple had a young daughter.