By Eugene McCain
The City of Revere has an opportunity for a substantial economic investment. A state-of-the-art hotel and gaming facility that will add hundreds of good paying jobs with benefits, as well as millions of dollars in new city revenue for Revere each year, has been proposed for a site at Route 1A and Revere Beach Parkway.
There are a number of steps before this state-of-the-art gaming and hotel complex could be built – the November 8 Massachusetts General election, a presentation (and subsequent approval) of plans by the City Council and the Mayor’s office, as well as other specifics – but what proponents are focused on, is developing a project that creates jobs, significant revenue for the City and is a right sized fit for the city.
Our hope is to work with Mayor Arrigo, and his team, as well as the City Council to negotiate an agreement and finalize plans so that concerns are understood, worked through and addressed.
This process would occur in conjunction with us applying to the Gaming Commission for the license and meeting the stringent requirements of the Commission to assure that a world class facility is built that will make Revere and the State proud.
If successful in the November election and with the Gaming Commission, we are hopeful to have the opportunity to negotiate a Host Agreement with the City of Revere. These negotiations can specifically earmark revenue streams and taxes for Revere public works projects or infrastructure improvements. Examples of specific allocations could include funds to public schools, traffic studies to alleviate congestion choke points, the fire department. In addition, we would insist on an agreement that clearly states that Revere citizens would have preferred hiring status.
We are using the Host City Agreement between the City of Plainville and Plainridge Park. With this agreement in place, the City Plainville is planning to spend $2 million on a new municipal public safety complex (Fire and Police station), according to an August 2016 Boston Business Journal article. Plainville has also added roughly 500 jobs, 20% of those people hired were previously unemployed.
The City of Plainville is guaranteed more than $5 million in this fiscal year alone from the gaming facility (this does not include indirect benefits to the community from increased economic activity). One interesting fact is that none of the money going to the City of Plainville is tied to gaming revenue performance (until year six of the operation).
Our goal is to ensure that the City of Revere is not passed over again for a gaming facility. To do this, we started early by reaching out to Revere residents and City officials. We know that the people of Revere want this, but we also know that we need to keep them more informed. We are committed to becoming part of Revere.
In the coming weeks, we look forward to announcing our gaming and hotel partners, and to continue the conversation with the City and its voters. We want the City of Revere to enjoy the benefits of hundreds of new jobs and millions of dollars in City revenue. This revenue will help with the needs of the School System as well as other urgently needed infrastructure and general fund demands.
Eugene McCain is Chairman of the Revere Jobs and Education Committee