Ward 6 residents are urged to vote on Tuesday in the special senate election being held to fill the seat vacated by former Senator Anthony Galluccio.
The special election offers a number of candidates but the campaign has evolved into a contest between Cambridge Attorney Tim Flaherty and Everett City Councillor Sal DiDomenico.
Both men have campaigned in Revere and in Ward 6 to capture the hearts and minds of those who will be coming out to vote on Tuesday.
Flaherty has spent more time campaigning here. He has also organized more cohesively here while DiDomenico did some early voter identification and then went back to Everett to work on the home vote, which many believe will be crucial.
If history counts for anything, Ward 6 will produce about 1000 votes on Tuesday.
Make sure you are one of that 1000 and in fact, take one or two of your friends to vote with you when you go to your local polling place.
Get out and vote on Tuesday.