Many months ago when Councillor George Rotondo requested that the city install surveillance devices and GPS tracking devices to stop the theft of city property from the Department of Public Works (DPW) city yard, he was ridiculed, and in some quarters, demonized.
Last week, even his detractors conceded that had it not been for Rotondo’s request for surveillance and tracking devices at the city yard, and the City Council’s subsequent approval of that request, that another grand theft at the city yard might have gone unsolved.
Last week, a longtime DPW employee was arrested and charged with numerous felonies related to evidence that he stole 1,000-1,500 metal signs from the city yard sign shop.
To their credit, the Revere Police conducted a fast and thorough investigation. The police said they were able to break the case because increased security had been implemented in the yard and some video and GPS records made tracking the perpetrator that much easier.
Michael Ferragamo, a 22-year veteran of the DPW, was arrested and released on bail.
He has resigned from his position on the DPW.
As a matter of good public policy, it turns out that Rotondo’s insistence on added security has already paid benefits.
Added security, it turns out, isn’t able to stop theft at the city yard yet. but it has led to solving crimes against the taxpayers of this city.
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