The recent altercation between Department of Public Works Director Don Goodwin and Councillor-at-Large John Correggio at a wake at a local funeral home is an outrage to the sensibilities of everyone in this city who show proper respect for the dead when in their presence.
We cannot think of a single valid reason for anyone, at any time, to conduct themselves in such a disrespectful way as Goodwin and Correggio did at the wake held at Buonfiglio’s Funeral Home.
As the story apparently goes, Goodwin shouted at Correggio. Correggio answered back. Goodwin placed his hands on Correggio and suggested that they go outside, presumably to beat one another.
The rest is a mumble and jumble of police reports and conflicting charges, with witnesses to the altercation being rather circumspect about an event they watched from a few feet away.
Even from them, we would have expected outrage that such a scene could have been caused by public officials at something as sacred as a wake for the dead.
We wonder, what is missing from public officials who feel they can make a mockery out of the dead at a wake intended as a ceremony honoring a loved one?
Frankly, such behavior from people who obviously should know better gives Revere a bad name and an even worse reputation.
When a wake isn’t immune from the bad behavior of public officials, it is a sign that something is really amiss in this city.
Both Goodwin and Correggio owe the family of the dead woman being waked at Buonfiglio’s an apology.
Those who witnessed the event but who have developed amnesia about its details also need to apologize to the bereaved family. More importantly, they need to take to task their friends who committed this egregious act at a sacred moment.
Last, public officials here very badly need to set the right example by exercising proper behavior in public.
How public officials devolved into an altercation at a wake is poor behavior of the first order.
It is incomprehensible behavior.
The city deserves better from its public officials.
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