The Revere Housing Authority (RHA) got word from the federal government this week that they have been removed from the ‘troubled performer’ list.
After compounding problems in the authority, in 2005 the RHA Board and federal Housing and Urban Development (HUD) officials began negotiating changes. In January 2006, the RHA was put on the troubled list, and the Board began implementing some major changes.
Those changes began in earnest when new RHA Executive Director Linda Shaw took the reins early last summer.
Board members had hoped to be off the list in one year, and with the coming of the letter, they did meet that goal.
“…the RHA has taken numerous steps to increase its performance, such as recruiting and hiring new staff, including the Executive Director; developing and implementing new policies and procedures in compliance with HUD regulations; assessing employee skills and providing training as necessary; improving financial management and procurement policies and practices; and ensuring annual inspections of all developments compliant with HUD’s inspection protocol,” wrote Donna Ayala, director of public housing at the Boston HUD office.
The RHA has planned a press conference on Tuesday morning to officially announce the development.
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