Memorial Day Program in Revere To Honor Fallen Heroes

The City of Revere is set to honor its fallen heroes with a solemn and respectful Memorial Day program on Monday, May 27 at the American Legion Lawn located at 249 Broadway. The event will feature a series of tributes and ceremonies aimed at remembering and honoring those who have sacrificed their lives for the nation.

The program will commence with a cadence by the Guardian of the Flag, presented by the Revere Police and Revere Fire departments. Isaac McDaniel, Director of Veteran Services, will serve as the Master of Ceremonies for the day.

The Revere Fire/Police Department Honor Guard, along with the RHS Army JROTC, will perform the Presentation of Colors. Aubrey Vaudo will lead attendees in the Star-Spangled Banner, setting a patriotic tone for the day’s events.

Tyler DeAngelo of the National Guard and the Revere Fire Department will perform the ceremonial lowering of the flag from full staff to half staff, followed by an invocation by Reverend Tim Bogertman of the First Congregational Church of Revere.

Mayor Patrick M. Keefe Jr. will deliver the Welcome Address, highlighting the importance of remembering those who served. Noor Ashour from Rumney Marsh Academy Middle School will read the Memorial Day Proclamation on behalf of Governor Maura T. Healey.

State representatives Jeffrey Turco and Jessica Giannino, along with State Senator Lydia Edwards, will offer greetings from the Commonwealth, acknowledging the sacrifices made by service members. Commander B.J. Farrel, the 77th Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. Constitution, will address the attendees, sharing insights from his esteemed naval career.

A poignant moment will follow with the laying of wreaths by Mayor Keefe, Isaac McDaniel, and other honored participants. Post commanders and service members will then read the names of the fallen, ensuring that their memories are kept alive.

The Revere Fire Department Honor Guard will present the colors once more, followed by a volley and the playing of Taps, a solemn bugle call to honor the deceased. Reverend Tim Bogertman will deliver the benediction, bringing a spiritual close to the ceremony.

In a final act of reverence, the flag will be raised from half staff to full staff by the Revere Police Honor Guard. Maurice and Sonji Neverson from Eagle Heights Church will perform “God Bless America,” and Aubrey Vaudo will close the event with a rendition of “America the Beautiful.”

Following the ceremony, a collation will be hosted by American Legion Post 61, with sponsorship from Mayor Patrick M. Keefe Jr. and the City of Revere. Attendees can enjoy patriotic music provided by DJ Damian Margardo, catered food by Vincent Bianco, and live music by Tommy & Ryan Flynn.

The program is supported by various local organizations, including the American Legion Post 61, Jewish War Veterans Post 161, VFW Beachmont Post 6712, and Joseph Leon Mottola Post 4524.

This Memorial Day, the City of Revere invites all residents to join in paying tribute to those who gave their lives in service to the country, ensuring their sacrifices are never forgotten.

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