By Steve Morabito
Traffic congestion is one of the greatest quality of life challenges Revere residents face daily. With the impending two month closure of the Sumner Tunnel, the traffic impact on Revere residents will undoubtedly worsen, especially as northbound seasonal traffic to New Hampshire, Maine, and Cape Ann increases.
More cars will be routed into our residential neighborhoods and local business districts, which means Revere needs a traffic mitigation plan immediately. With such major local implications on transit within Revere, it is deeply troubling that the current acting administration has yet to elaborate on a clear strategy to alleviate traffic problems for Revere residents during this two month closure.
There are many strategies that can be employed, but here are a few starting points:
• Additional police and traffic enforcement directed to Revere’s most congested intersections and roadways to increase traffic flow;
• Increase pre- and post-beach traffic enforcement to improve accessibility at Revere Beach;
• Restrict heavy industrial/truck traffic through residential neighborhoods and provide the necessary enforcement of these restrictions;
• Lobby State government for expanded Blue line and MBTA bus service;
• Launch a community awareness campaign so residents are aware of State resources available to them and potential impacts on daily transit;
• Create hotline for Revere residents to report recurring traffic problems;
• Work with neighboring cities and towns to establish a coordinated regional transit strategy within each local community.
Revere residents deserve effective solutions to the challenges facing our community. It is time for visionary leadership and proactive problem-solving.
Stephen Morbito is a City Councillor-at-Large and candidate for Mayor of Revere in the upcoming election in September.