Political signs have begun to pop up everywhere this week and the large Dan Rizzo signs seem to be dominating the landscape so far. From the Boulevard to North Shore Road and over to Malden Street (where Ann Raponi has…
If you’re hungering for a ride down the Beach, stay away from the Boulevard. Work on the Boulevard from Kelly’s to the Point of Pines began last week. Right now, crews from D’Allesandro contractors have begun digging up the Boulevard,…
Furlong to Racing Commish
Mayoral aid Bob Furlong was sworn in this week as an associate member on the state Racing Commission. Furlong said that he was nominated for the chairmanship, but declined because he felt it was more than he wanted to take…
Cambodian New Year
The Revere Buddhist Community – the temple on Thornton Street – will be holding quite a celebration next weekend, on April 14th, to celebrate the Cambodian New Year. Officially, it is the ‘Year of the Pig.’ Organizer Sareth Sak said…
51 Beach St.
Comments continue to come in regarding a party that was broken up at 51 Beach St. on Saturday, March 24th. Party-goers accuse police of civil rights violations, while others (presumably neighbors and police) accuse party-goers of holding up babies to…
License Commission Calls Reardons
License Commission members decided last Thursday night, March 29, at their monthly meeting that they would be calling Reardon’s Pub before them concerning allegations aired last month in an undercover Fox 25 news report about illegal gambling on poker machines.…