City Councillor Ira Novoselsky attended Rosh Hashanah services that were led by his son, Seth, an ordained rabbi, at the Chelsea Soldiers’ Home.
Seth is one of the spiritual leaders at the Soldiers’ Home, a residence for war veterans.
“I thought Seth did a great, professional job of leading the congregation in prayer,†proudly stated Ira, while noting that the services celebrating the Jewish New Year 5783 were streamed live.
The Ward 2 councillor said he was joined in the congregation by veterans and former members of Temple Tifereth Israel of Revere. The synagogue, which was located on Nahant Avenue, closed its doors in 2015. Revere’s last remaining synagogue, Temple B’nai Israel in Beachmont, closed in 2019.
Ira Novoselsky is the past national commander of the Jewish War Veterans.
“I want to wish members of the community a happy and healthy New Year,†said Novoselsky, who is Past National Commander of the Jewish War veterans.