On Saturday November 12, members of the community memorialized and celebrated the life of Felix DeSisto, a WWII Veteran who flew 35 missions on a B-24 Liberator Bomber in the European theater. He earned the Distinguished Flying Cross as a result of these efforts.  He later continued with his comittment to public service as a 15 year member of the Revere Fire Department and then as the city’s Public Health Director.  His memorial stands at the corner of Carleton Avenue and Revere Street.  Included in the photo in addition to guests and elected officials Bob Haas, Dan Rizzo (former mayor), John Powers, Arthur Guinasso, and Ira Novoselsky, are his children, Paul, Rena, and Tom (with his significant other, Laura D’Amico).  Elisa, another sibling, was unable to attend the dedication.