School officials said they had to remove a middle schooler from one of the schools Monday for threatening to copy the actions taken at Virginia Tech last week by a disgruntled student.
The middle schooler was apparently serving an in-school suspension when he told a teacher that he could relate to the Virginia Tech shooter and actually wanted to do the same thing at his school.
“He said that what happened at Virginia Tech was a good thing and he had the same feelings as the shooter and maybe he would do the same thing,” said Superintendent Paul Dakin. “He said the only thing stopping him from doing something was that a 13-year-old can’t get a gun.”
Dakin said they contacted the parents and removed the young man from school and forced the parents to get him some help.
“We will be doing a lot of filings with the state on this to get him some help,” said Dakin.
Dakin said that they were prepared for a copycat student whose frustrations might lead them to threaten something such as this.