Author: Journal Staff

EBNHC grateful for our supportive community

Our community’s strength is on full display despite the extraordinary challenges of the COVID-19 crisis. Public health agencies, elected officials, health care providers and community leaders are collaborating in new ways to protect our neighborhoods. Most community members are taking…

Guest Op-Ed: Please Stay Home

On Saturday,  I visited Revere Beach in our Mobile City Hall. I wasn’t there to enjoy the sunshine and the sights.  Using a bullhorn, I came to deliver a crucial message to the crowds of people who congregated along the…

Letters to the Editor 3-25-2020

REVERE’S VOLUNTEER INFORMATION AND GUIDANCE ear Editor, We truly appreciate all who want to be involved as we are faced with this national and very local emergency. We hear of many offers to help from individuals and from community organizations…

Thank goodness for Dr. Fauci

Watching the daily press briefings of the White House Task Force on the current corona virus crisis, we know we speak for all Americans in being thankful for the calming and professional presence of Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has served…