The Revere Police Department is working closely with Mayor Brian Arrigo, other local, State and Federal partners as we monitor the Covid-19 outbreak in Massachusetts and taking proactive steps to support containment efforts and prepare for further spread of the disease. Regular updates will be shared on and via of social media.
The Revere Police Department today announced a number of steps the Department has taken to prepare to respond to events surrounding COVID-19 and continue to keep the Revere community safe. Revere Police officers will continue to respond to emergency calls for service without delay. If you have an emergency, dial 911 and officers will respond as always!
In an effort to reduce community transmission, the Revere Police Department will also be taking the following steps immediately:
• Citizens calling in for police services will be screened by our dispatch staff to determine if an immediate police response is needed. In most cases, where applicable and possible, Revere Police Officers will take reports via the telephone, especially where there is a past event (identity theft, credit card fraud, quality of life reports). We encourage citizens to call the police department via telephone ahead of time or use our On-line reporting at
• We discourage anyone travelling to the police station to make a report. In many cases, a police officer can and will take care of a citizen’s needs by phone, and thus reduce the chance of spreading the COVID-19 illness.
• Officers responding to homes and buildings may ask some pre-screen questions regarding potential illnesses before entering a building or speak to you entirely outside. These questions are not invasive, and are meant to keep both the citizen and the police safe during the COVID-19 global pandemic.
EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATLEY: All Firearms applicants should mail in their new or renewal application until we re-evaluate on March 31st. Firearms related questions call 781-284-1212 ext. 60061
To obtain a copy of an accident report online at CRASHDOCS.ORG
To obtain a copy of a police report you can email the Revere Records Division at [email protected]
All civilian fingerprinting, Hackney licensing, car seat installation, vendor permits are cancelled.