Special to the Journal
On December 11, The Abraham Lincoln Elementary School in Revere participated in a fieldtrip into Boston to visit the Suffolk County District Attorney Kevin Hayden’s office where they learned about many aspects of the criminal court system. Twelve fourth- and fifth-grade student council members made the trip, along with the principal and three teachers and staff members. The group met with District Attorney Hayden and several of his staff to learn about the mission of the DA’s office and the various roles of the people working there. They also visited a courtroom and met with Superior Court Judge Adam Sisitsky, Chief Court Officer Richard Linehan, and staff from the Suffolk Superior Court. Students enthusiastically asked questions about the role of juries and how cases proceed through the system. They also voted on a mock case and found the defendant (a staffer from the DA’s Office) guilty of stealing candy from a family member.
At the end of the visit, the students wrote about what justice means to them, and one answer included, “It means that the truth is found, and people are safe.”
The Suffolk County DA’s Office and Revere Public Schools have a strong partnership that includes ongoing trainings for students, staff, and caregivers, as well as collaboration on efforts to support young people in Revere. The Suffolk DA’s Office is committed to working with schools and students in Suffolk County and is grateful to the dedicated staff of the Abraham Lincoln school, including Principal Cassandre Sermon, Deanne Mancia, Jessica Potter, and Alexa Sasso for their commitment to providing students with opportunities to engage with community leaders.
“These young students displayed a huge amount of civic involvement and enthusiasm for learning during their visit, and my staff and I could not have been more proud—and more admiring—of the way they asked questions and showed endless curiosity about how the DA’s office and the court system works. I hope to see all of them again. Perhaps as lawyers, advocates or judges in the system they learned so much about on their visit,” Hayden said.