The following incident reports are among the calls to which the Revere Police Department responded on the listed dates and times (in military time):
Saturday, December 12
0015: Disturbance on Proctor Ave. The officer issued a summons for a court hearing to a 32 year-old Everett man for the criminal offenses of malicious destruction of property under $1200 and making a threat to commit a crime.
0052: Noise disturbance on the Revere Beach Parkway. The officer spoke to the party.
0147: Noise disturbance on the Revere Beach Blvd. The officer spoke to the party.
0226: Disturbance on Beach St. The officer filed a report.
0827: An officer stopped a motor vehicle (MV) at Tuttle and Revere Sts. for a civil infraction and gave a verbal warning to the operator.
0926: Lost/found property on the Revere Beach Parkway. The officer filed a report.
0928: Domestic disturbance on Lantern Rd. The officer filed a report.
1028: MVA on No. Shore Rd. The officer assisted the parties with the exchange of papers.
1042: Domestic disturbance on Walnut Ave. The officer spoke to the party.
1117: Hit-and-run MVA on Furlong Drive.
1126: MVA with property damage only at Malden St. and Patriot Parkway.
1133: Disturbance on Broadway. The officer filed a report.
1205: An officer stopped a motor vehicle (MV) at Butler Circle for a civil infraction and gave a verbal warning to the operator.
1405: Larceny on Squire Rd. The officer will file a report.
1431: Disabled MV on VFW Parkway. The officer provided assistance.
1522: Hit-and-run MVA on Broadway. The officer provided assistance.
1622: Disturbance on Furlong Drive. The officer provided assistance.
1633: Larceny on Everett St. The officer provided assistance.
1804: Suspicious activity on Washington Ave. The officer provided assistance.
1910: An officer provided assistance to a citizen on Crescent Ave.
1955: The trespass tow of a MV was reported on the Revere Beach Parkway.
2052: Suspicious activity on Furlong Drive. The officer provided assistance.
2115: Suspicious activity on Park Ave. The officer ;provided assistance.
2124: Hit-and-run MVA at Franklin and Walnut Aves. The officer provided assistance.
2133: Domestic disturbance on Mill St. The officer restored the peace.
2154: Missing person on High St. The officer filed a report.
2213: Noise disturbance on Patriot Parkway. The officer restored the peace.
2233: Domestic disturbance on Ward St. The officer spoke to the party.
2245: Noise disturbance on Suffolk Ave. The officer provided assistance.
2301: A repossession company reported the repo of a MV on Thornton St.
2305: B&E into a MV on Proctor Ave. The officer spoke to the party.
2315: Domestic disturbance on Beach. The officer spoke to the party.
2323: The trespass tow of a MV was reported on Overlook Ridge Drive.
2331: The trespass tow of a MV was reported on Overlook Ridge Drive.
2338: The trespass tow of a MV was reported on Overlook Ridge Terrace.
2354: Noise disturbance on Dedham St. The officer spoke to the party.
Sunday, December 13
0006: Noise disturbance on Shurtleff St. The officer provided assistance.
0041: Noise disturbance on Beach St. The officer provided assistance.
0046: The trespass tow of a MV was reported on Overlook Ridge Drive.
0050: Noise disturbance on Dedham St. The officer provided assistance.
0101: Noise disturbance on Bellingham Ave. The officer spoke to the party.
0102: An officer stopped a motor vehicle (MV) at Broadway and Reservoir Ave. for a civil infraction and gave a verbal warning to the operator.
0125: An officer stopped a motor vehicle (MV) at Revere and Tuttle Sts. for a civil infraction and gave a verbal warning to the operator.
0230: Noise disturbance on Beach St. The officer provided assistance.
0534: An officer stopped a motor vehicle (MV) on Broadway for a civil infraction and issued a citation to the operator.
1020: An officer stopped a motor vehicle (MV) at No. Shore Rd. and Mills Ave. for a civil infraction and gave a verbal warning to the operator.
1037: B&E into a MV on Beach St. The officer filed a report.
1042: MVA at No. Shore Rd. and Revere St. The officer filed a report.
1053: MVA at Copeland Circle. The officer filed a report.
1140: MVA at Copeland Circle. The officer assisted the parties with the exchange of papers.
1147: Larceny on Hall St. the officer filed a report.
1203: MVA on Revere St. The officer assisted the parties with the exchange of papers.
1230: MVA with property damage on Overlook Ridge Dr. The officer provided assistance.
1255: Shoplifting was reported on Squire Rd.
1405: The trespass tow of a MV was reported on Overlook Ridge Drive.
1419: Disturbance on Cooledge St. The officer provided assistance.
1437: Unwanted person on American Legion Highway. The officer provided assistance.
1521: A hit-and-run MVA on Sewall St. was referred to another agency.
1549: An officer stopped a motor vehicle (MV) on No. Shore Rd. for a civil infraction and gave a verbal warning to the operator.
1610: Vandalism on Beach Rd. The officer filed a report.
1620: An officer stopped a motor vehicle (MV) on Bennington St. for a civil infraction and issued a citation to the operator.
1639: An officer stopped a motor vehicle (MV) on Bennington St. for a civil infraction and issued a citation to the operator.
1650: An officer stopped a motor vehicle (MV) on Bennington St. for a civil infraction and issued a citation to the operator.
1818: Disturbance at Avon and Revere Sts. the officer restored the peace.
1823: An officer stopped a motor vehicle (MV) on Squire Rd. for a civil infraction. The officer issued a citation to a 30 year-old East Boston man for the criminal offense of unlicensed operation of a MV and for the civil infraction of failing to yield at an intersection.
1842: The trespass tow of a MV was reported on Overlook Ridge Terrace.
1848: The trespass tow of a MV was reported on Revere Beach Blvd.
1901: An officer stopped a motor vehicle (MV) on Beach St. and issued a citation to a 20 year-old Revere man for the criminal offense of operating a MV with a suspended license.
1916: MVA at Park Ave. and Broadway. The officer issued a citation to a 29 year-old Revere man for the criminal offense of unlicensed operation of a MV.
1917: An officer stopped a motor vehicle (MV) at Broadway and Park Ave. for a civil infraction and issued a citation to the operator.
1945: Disturbance on Griffin St. The officer filed a report.
2141: Noise disturbance on No. Shore Rd. The officer provided assistance.
2214: The trespass tow of a MV was reported on Revere Beach Blvd.
2225: A MV was reported stolen on Squire Rd. The officer filed a report.
2254: A MV was reported stolen on Ward St.
2304: Harassing phone calls on Winthrop Ave. The officer filed a report.
2331: The trespass tow of a MV was reported on Revere Beach Blvd.
Monday, December 14
0027: Officers responded to a MVA with fire and injuries at Franklin Ave. and Thorndike St. The MV was towed.
1235: Noise disturbance on Crescent Ave. The officer restored the peace.
0127: Suspicious activity on Goldie St. The officer provided assistance.
0446: Domestic disturbance on Orvis Rd. The officer restored the peace.
0454: Vandalism at Wilson and Beach Sts. The officer filed a report.
0527: The repossession of a MV on Reservoir Ave. was reported by the repo company.
0545: Domestic disturbance on Bosson St. The officer filed a report.
0734: Vandalism on Bennington St. The officer spoke to the party.
0749: Vandalism on Broadway. The officer filed a report.
1029: Disturbance on Bennington St. The officer restored the peace.
1112: MVA on Beach St. The officer assisted the parties with the exchange of papers.
1205: Larceny on Cooledge St. The officer filed a report.
1237: A resident reported a case of identity theft. The officer provided assistance.
1530: The trespass tow of a MV was reported on Revere Beach Blvd.
1641: Complaint on Lantern Rd. The officer provided assistance.
1644: Parking complaint on Cushing Ave. The MV was towed.
1708: Disturbance on Beach St. The officer provided assistance.
1811: MVA on Broadway. The officer assisted the parties with the exchange of papers.
1829: An officer provided assistance to a citizen on Squire Rd.
1832: Disturbance on Mountain Ave. and Genesee St. The officer provided assistance.
1836: Shoplifting on Squire Rd. The officer filed a report.
1836: MVA with property damage on Squire Rd. The officer filed a report.
1858: Domestic disturbance on Kimball Ave. The officer filed a report.
2006: The trespass tow of a MV was reported on Revere Beach Blvd.
2018: Lost/found property on Ocean Ave. The officer provided assistance.
2105: Noise disturbance on Beach St. The officer provided assistance.
2156: The trespass tow of a MV was reported on Overlook Ridge Drive.
2224: An officer stopped a motor vehicle (MV) on Central Ave. for a civil infraction and issued a citation to the operator.
Tuesday, December 15
0213: Unwanted person on Ward St. The officer filed a report. 0402: Disturbance on Adams Ct. The officer restored the peace. 0453: Suspicious activity on Bellingham Ave. The officer provided assistance. 1022: A officer provided assistance to a citizen on Vane St. 1037: Fraud on Malden St. The officer filed a report. 1106: Vandalism on Campbell Ave. The officer filed a report. 1114: A MV that had been reported as stolen was recovered on the Revere Beach  Parkway. 1134: MVA on Broadway. The officer assisted the parties with the exchange of papers. 1222: A repossession company reported the repo of a MV on Malden St. 1508: MVA on Squire Rd. The officer assisted the parties with the exchange of papers. 1608: Traffic complaint on Furlong Drive. the officer provided assistance. 1622: Suspicious activity on Squiree Rd. The officer provided assistance. 1627: An officer stopped a motor vehicle (MV) at No. Shore Rd. and Dehon St. for a civil infraction and gave a verbal warning to the operator. 1631: Disabled MV at Lee Burbank Highway and Hichborn St. The MV was towed. 1633: An officer provided assistance to a citizen on Revere St. and filed a report. 1712: Traffic complaint on Dedham St. The officer provided assistance. 1739: Shoplifting on Furlong Drive. The officer provided assistance. 1747: Larceny on Cheever St. The officer filed a report. 1753: Unwanted person on Furlong Drive. The officer provided assistance. 1812: An officer stopped a motor vehicle (MV) at Shirley Ave. and Hichborn St. for a civil infraction and issued a citation to the operator. 1943: Disturbance on Gage Ave. The officer restored the peace. 2003: Harassment on Overlook Ridge Terr. The officer provided assistance. 2114: The trespass tow of a MV was reported on Revere Beach Blvd. 2200: The trespass tow of a MV was reported on Revere Beach Blvd. 2318: Noise disturbance at Dashwood and Oak Island Sts. The officer restored the peace.