The following motions were discussed at the City Council Meeting that was held on Jan. 13 in the City Council Chambers:
20-005 Motion presented by Councillor Rotondo: That the Mayor request the State or Federal government to dredge the Townline Brook thus increasing the retention of capacity in the lower Washington Avenue area. Approved
20-006 Motion presented by Councillor Rontondo: That the Mayor request the State to look into the feasibility of hydroelectric water turbines at the Townline Brook. Approved
20-007 Motion presented by Councillor Rotondo: That Mayor request the head of preparedness in the City to look into the feasibility of an antenna mesh system or similar system in the event of hurricane or other natural or other event, which could disable communications. Approved
20-008 Motion presented by Councillor McKenna: That the Mayor request the Police Department to install a solar powered speed reader between 651 and 951 Winthrop Avenue. Cars race up the street after the stop sign making it dangerous for pedestrians and children. Approved
20-009 Motion presented by Councillor McKenna: That the Mayor request DCR to replace the faded “No Parking†signage on Winthrop Parkway. There is no parking on both sides and due to the faded signs, vehicles park on both sides of the street which is not allowed. Approved
20-010 Motion presented by Councillor McKenna: That the City Council request a Verizon representative to appear before the City Council to explain why old telephone wires are still hanging and wrapped around utility poles throughout the City. This has been an ongoing issue since July and Verizon has not been responsive. Approved
20-011 Motion presented by Councillor Serino, President Keefe: That the Mayor request the Traffic Commission to study the intersection of Washington Avenue and Mountain Avenue to determine the feasibility of either a three-way STOP at this intersection or a similar co urse of action which would enable vehicles to safely turn on and off of Mountain Avenue. Further, that speed limit signs be posted at the intersection of Amasa Street and Mountain Avenue to alert driers to the speed limit. Residents who live at the intersection report that due to vehicles speeding up and down Mountain Avenue, there tends to be accidents at this location. Residents also rep ort that traffic backs up due the fact that vehicles traversing Washington Avenue do not let anyone turn off of Mountain Avenue. Additionally, that the Traffic Commission look at the feasibility of installing a crosswalk at this intersection for people to safely cross Washington Avenue. Approved
20-012 Motion p resented by Councillor Serino: That the Mayor request the Traffic Commission to study th e intersection of Linehurst Road and Agatha Street to determine the feasibility of replacing the DO NOT ENTER SIGN that previously faced Easterly toward the North Revere neighborhood. In recent years, heavy vehicles making deliveries to the plaza on Bennett Highway exit through the North Revere neighborhood instead of via Route 1, causing dangerous conditions for those who live in the neighborhood. Approved
20-013 Motion presented by Councillor McKenna: That the Mayor request the Fire Department and DPW to conduct a public safety test on Bellingham Avenue for the purpose of checking safe passage of fire apparatus and s now plows due to the enforcement of ADA regulations preventing the parking of vehicles on sidewalks. Approved
20-014 Motion presented by Vice-President Novoseklsy: That the Mayor request the Superintendent of Public Works and the Parking Director to appear before the Public Works Sub-Committee to discuss the new resident parking regulations. Approved
20-015 Motion presented by Vice-President Novoselsky: that the Mayor request the Superintendent of Public Works to appear before the Public Works Sub-Committee to discuss the status of the new DPW Facility. Approved
20-016 Motion presented by Vice-President Novoselsky: That the Mayor request the Traffic Commission to establish a new regulation prohibiting the parking of motor vehicles within 10 feet of a crosswalk. Approved