During the past ten years, the city of Revere has had a tremendous influx of new residents coming into the city. The population went up by over 5,000.
These new residents have placed pressure on police, fire, educational and public health systems and all municipal services in general.
To that end, the city has responded, and rather brilliantly, but at great cost.
So far, four new schools have been built and put into use. Two new fire stations have come onto line. Six new pieces of fire apparatus have been added to the fire department’s fleet of equipment. The police department maintains a high profile throughout the city.
Infrastructure projects related to flooding in the millions of dollars has accomplished safety and quality of life gains not seen here in more than a century.
Flooding in the lowlands has been eradicated.
Much of this has been achieved while Mayor Ambrosino has been leading the city.
The important thing is this – the next mayor of Revere, either Dan Rizzo or George Rotondo – need to pick up where Ambrosino left off.
It will be up to one of them to carry the ball and to continue the positive changes and to keep Revere in front of the crush of new people who are arriving here everyday.
It is a task easier said than done.