The Department of Conservation and Recreation is set on lining Revere Beach with parking meters – something which should have been done decades ago.
The city council and the DCR will work together to give this initiative a chance to finally be implemented. And it will take the approval of the council and the DCR for parking meters to be installed.
Parking meters lining the beach does many things.
It will cause the worst slobs who trash the beach to stop coming because they now have to pay to park their automobiles. This is a positive development.
Second, the meters will produce income that will defray the cost of maintaining the beach for the DCR.
Third, beach residents will be given stickers so they don’t have to pay to park which is just and fair the way it ought to be.
It is costly to line the beach with new meters but over the years, the initial cost will be repaid by the income from the meters and at some point, a clear, unimpeded flow of cash will be produced by those meters.
We have believed for many years that parking meters were the right way to go on Revere Beach.
We urge the council and the DCR to get this bit of business done as soon as possible.
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