Summer’s End

Summer doesn’t officially end until Sept. 22, but when our students start returning to school and our Revere High School and Pop Warner football and cheerleading teams begin practices, we know that the “real” summer season is coming to a…

Thank You, Dr. Bornstein

Dr. Robert Bornstein is a true legendary, larger-than-life figure in the history of our city. The esteemed pediatrician practiced medicine here for more than 50 years and parents have depended on his expertise in medicine in the care of their…

Letters to the Editor

On Globe article about Revere Beach Editor’s Note: The following letter was drafted to Boston Globe Magazine by Council President Tony Zambuto late last week on behalf of the Council and as an official communication from the Revere City Council.…

Police Briefs 08-20-2014

Monday, Aug. 11 Jimmy Villanueva, 29, of 82 Mountain Ave., was charged with violating an abuse prevention order. Tuesday, Aug. 12 Caio Cesar Ciochetti, 25, of Everett, was charged with shoplifting, second offense. Carmine Capachietti, 47, of 418 Revere Beach…