Harvard Grad School of Education May Fund Residency Program in Revere for Doctoral Students

For several years Revere Public Schools has enjoyed a close working relationship and partnership with the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Over the years Harvard grad students working on their masters degrees have used the district as an environment rich lab for education research at Revere High School and the Garfield School.

Revere School Superintendent Dianne Kelly said out of this relationship is the idea of bringing Harvard doctoral students over to Revere to complete a one year residency grad school requires for doctorate degrees.

“We have had conversations in the past about bringing these doctoral students to Revere to do their one-year residency requirement within a school district,” explained Superintendent Kelly. However, it has been something that has been cost preventive.

“Harvard would require us to pay their students a salary and benefits that would amount to about a $70,000 per year package,” said Kelly. “It was just something we were not able to afford.”

However, Kelly said the past relationship and Harvard’s description of Revere Schools as, “a really positive environment and a place Harvard thinks will serve their doctoral students well” has resulted in a new set of conversations.

“We won’t know all the specifics until late January or early February but the Harvard Grad School of Education has decided to fund a Revere residency program for its doctoral students,” said Kelly. “Harvard hopes one of their grad students, through the program, will have a future career in education in Revere.”

Kelly said she was really excited for this opportunity.

“We are in the process of conducting interviews with the grad students to find a match between the doctoral students’ studies and our needs as a district,” said Kelly.

Kelly added that the right grad students could also be easily fitted with programs that match the areas of studies they need to finish their doctoral dissertation.

Kelly said she would update the Revere School Committee once all the specifics are ironed out and if the program could move forward.

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