364 Ocean Ave. Tenants to Move to 388 Ocean Ave.
By Journal Staff A resolution to the long-running saga for the beleaguered 41 tenants of the condemned Water’s Edge high-rise apartment building at 364 Ocean Ave. appears to have been achieved after a lengthy hearing before Judge Irene Bagdoian that was held…
RHS Grads Participate in Boomers Softball Game
Every year Peter Mucci likes to host a softball game for RHS graduates from the 1970s. “We started in 2017 and held it in 2018 and 2019 before COVID caused us to postpone the game in 2020,” related Mucci, a…
MWRA water main project delayed another month before ConsComm
By Journal Staff The Revere Conservation Commission held its regular monthly meeting last Wednesday, September 4, in the City Council Chambers. On hand for the session were vice-chair Nicholas Rudolph, who chaired the session, and fellow members Bernardo Sepulveda, Wilson…
News Briefs
Revere beach art festival returns this saturday sept. 14 The Revere Beach Partnership is hosting the 7th Annual Revere Beach Art Festival on Saturday, September 14th, 2024. The festival will be held to showcase local and regional talent and to…
City seeks comments on plan for Revere group electricity buying program
Special to the Journal Revere is developing what officials say is a consumer-friendly electricity program called ReverePower Choice. The program is an electricity aggregation, which is a group electricity purchasing program for Revere residents and businesses. Through Revere Power Choice,…